Very Funny Short Sayings

1. Baby, somebody better call God, because he's missing an angel!

2. Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?

3. People are quick to share their food when they realize they can?t eat it all.

4. She was so tall if she fell down she would be halfway home.

5. All of my friends and I are crazy.Thats what keeps us sane!

6. In a world without walls and fences who needs Windows and Gates?

7. Age to women is like Kryptonite to Superman.

8. A smile starts on the lips, A grin spreads to the eyes, A chuckle comes from the belly; But a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, Overflows, and bubbles all around.

9. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder!

10. There should be A Special Prison for Stupid People.


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